The Relationship between College Students’ Social Avoidance and Distress: The Mediating Effect of Ego-Identity Status
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.72018, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,973  浏览: 3,725  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 薛明锋, 丁新妮, 蔡颖颖, 谢丹丹, 黎光明:华南师范大学心理学院心理应用研究中心,广东 广州
关键词: 社交回避社交苦恼自我同一性Social Avoidance Social Distress Ego-Identity
摘要: 运用自我同一性地位量表和社交回避与苦恼量表对491名大学生进行调查,探讨自我同一性对大学生社交回避与苦恼的影响机制。研究显示:1) 大多数大学生处于同一性扩散地位,自我同一性地位量表的三个维度间存在年级间的显著差异,过去的危机和现在的自我投入对将来的自我投入愿望有正面作用;2)大学生的社交回避与苦恼均为中等偏下水平,性别存在显著差异,处于自我同一性形成地位的学生的社交苦恼与回避比其它地位显著地低,处于同一性扩散——积极延缓中间地位的大学生社交回避与苦恼程度较其它地位的要高;3) 社交回避与自我同一性的过去的危机、现在的自我投入和将来的自我投入意愿呈显著负相关,社交苦恼与现在的自我投入、将来的自我投入意愿呈显著负相关;4) 现在的自我投入在社交苦恼与社交回避关系中起部分中介作用,同时将来的自我投入愿望也在两者间起部分中介作用,但过去的危机在两者间不起中介作用。
Abstract: Objective: To explore the relationship between college students’ social avoidance, distress and identity status. Method: Totally 491 college students successfully completed the questionnaires of Social Avoidance and Distress scale (SAD) and A. Kato’s Identity Status Scale (ISS). Then ANOVA, correlation and mediation model were used to explore the relationship. Results: 1) Most college students are in the identity diffusion status, and there are significant differences between grades in each dimension of the ISS. The past crisis and the present involvement have a positive effect on the future intention. 2) College students’ social avoidance and distress are slightly below average level. The social distress avoidance of the students who are in the status of ego-identity achiever was significantly lower than those in other statuses. Those in the status of ego-identity diffusion- moratorium suffer from more severe social distress and avoidance than other statuses. 3) Each dimension of ISS was significantly negatively correlated social avoidance respectively, while social distress is significantly negatively correlated with 3 dimensions of ISS. 4) The present involvement and the future intention partially mediate the effect of social distress and social avoidance separately, while past crisis didn’t mediate between them.
文章引用:薛明锋, 丁新妮, 蔡颖颖, 谢丹丹, 黎光明 (2017). 大学生社交回避与苦恼的关系:自我同一性的中介作用. 心理学进展, 7(2), 148-157. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.72018


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