A Study of the National Cultural Connotation of Blue in The Bluest Eye
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2017.51003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,797  浏览: 5,612 
作者: 程义新:南京航空航天大学,江苏 南京
关键词: 国俗语义蓝色文化威权National Cultural Connotation Blue Culture Superiority
摘要: 语言作为社会群体的交际工具,反映使用该语言的社会群体或民族的历史、文化和民情风俗,其语义无不浸透了该民族的发展和进步的遗迹,语义与词语的使用者和社会环境有紧密关联,具有民族文化特色,具有国俗语义。西方的英语里Blue的意义,是在西方海洋文明孕育蓝色文化的环境下,由蓝色对人的生理、心理效应与颜色的社会价值相互作用的结果,所以“蓝”除了表示颜色的功能外,还具有海洋般“忧郁的”和“美好、高贵”的特殊的文化语义,构成文化能指网络。小说《最蓝的眼睛》则诠释了蓝色文化环境下,美国社会凸显“蓝色”文化能指网络的高贵,形成对蓝眼的白人的威权,而傲然、蔑视黑人为低下、无物。深陷这种文化网络中,像黑人姑娘佩柯拉样致力于同化的黑人,则只能收获悲伤。
Abstract: As a means of communication of the social community, language embodies the history, culture and customs of the community and nation. Closely related to the language users and the social context, connotation is heavily marked with historic traces of the nation’s development and is thus featured by the nation’s culture, which gives rise to the national cultural connotation. Derived from the Western maritime civilization, the meaning of Blue results from the interaction of the color of the ocean Blue with maritime Westerners’ psychology, physiology and the societal value of the colour Blue. In addition to its conceptual meaning as a term of color, Blue is therefore endowed with a semantic web with a special connotation of “being gloomy”, or “being honorably pleasant”. The novel “The Bluest Eye” interprets quite accurately the Americanized Blue culture which worships the blue-eyed superiority of the White and proudly scorns the Black. Tangled into this society, the Black girl Pecola is destined to be assimilated into the Blue culture, only to be rewarded by absolute gloominess.
文章引用:程义新. 《最蓝的眼睛》里“蓝色”的国俗语义透视[J]. 现代语言学, 2017, 5(1): 16-20. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2017.51003


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