Empirical Research on the Impact of Anticipated Regret on Impulse Buying Behavior on Internet
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2016.71001, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,076  浏览: 5,447 
作者: 耿黎辉, 严茂洋:西南交通大学,经济管理学院,四川 成都;向金金:南昌工学院,经济管理学院,江西 南昌
关键词: 冲动性购买预期后悔外界刺激冲动性特质调节作用Impulse Buying Anticipated Regret External Stimuli Impulsivity Trait Moderated Function
摘要: 基于冲动性购买、预期后悔等相关理论,探讨了预期后悔和电子商务环境下消费者冲动性购买行为的关系,研究了不同的刺激因素(价格促销、图文展示、他人评论)和冲动性特质对网上冲动性购买行为产生的影响。以预期后悔作为调节变量,使用SPSS17.0对样本数据进行分组回归分析。研究结果表明,预期后悔能够直接影响网上冲动性购买行为;在价格促销、图文展示和冲动性特质对消费者冲动性购买的影响过程中,预期后悔的调节作用显著;在他人评论对消费者冲动性购买的影响过程中,预期后悔的调节作用不显著。
Abstract: Drawing on the theory of impulse buying behavior and anticipated regret, this study explores the relationship between anticipated regret and impulse buying behavior on internet, investigates different factors (price promotion, graphic display and online comment) and impulsivity trait influencing impulse buying behavior on internet. Samples collected are empirically tested by SPSS17.0 and multiple group regression analysis is conducted with anticipated regret as a moder-ator variable. The results indicated that anticipated regret can directly influence online impulse buying. In the effect of price promotion, graphic display and impulsive impulsivity trait on con-sumer impulse buying, the moderating effect of anticipated regret is significant. In the effect of online comment on consumer impulse buying, the moderating effect of anticipated regret is not significant.
文章引用:耿黎辉, 严茂洋, 向金金. 预期后悔对网上冲动性购买行为影响的实证研究[J]. 现代市场营销, 2017, 7(1): 1-14. https://doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2016.71001


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