High-Level Cognitive Interactions and Its Analysis
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.71010, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,474  浏览: 2,098 
作者: 彭杜宏:苏州科技大学教育与公共管理学院,江苏 苏州
关键词: 高水平合作认知互动分析High-Level Cooperative Cognition Interaction Analysis
摘要: 互动的本质机制在于激发更高级复杂的认知功能。如何理解和洞察联合思维的互依本质及其产生性表现应成为合作性学习研究的重点。文章对新近涉及高水平互动探索的研究进行了如下归纳:1) 合作认知互动过程分析框架,如高水平共同调节分析框架、对话分析框架、分层分析框架等;2) 合作认知互动模式类型,如促进性互动、建设性互动、合作互动等,以及3) 高水平合作认知的核心要素,如交叉理解、精制、合作监控等。最后对未来合作认知互动过程研究提出了展望。
Abstract: The nature of interaction is to drive higher and more complicated cognitive function. How to un-derstand and observe the interdependent relationships and its productive indicators of joint thought should come to the center of team or group cooperative learning research. The paper reviewed new researches focusing on high-level interactions from following aspects: 1) The Analytical frameworks about member’s interactions, such as the high-level co-regulation framework, the dialogical framework and the layered framework. 2) Description about high-level interaction modes, such as the boosting interaction, constructive interaction and cooperative interaction. 3) Elements of cooperative cognition from empirical research conclusions, such as cross-understanding, elaboration and monitoring cooperatively. In the end, it proposed some suggestions on how to boost cognitive interaction research in the future.
文章引用:彭杜宏 (2017). 高水平认知互动及其分析. 心理学进展, 7(1), 67-75. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.71010


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