Etiquette in the Army in Spring and Autumn Period
DOI: 10.12677/CnC.2016.44006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,073  浏览: 5,882 
作者: 李晓东:青岛大学文学院,山东 青岛
关键词: 军礼治军春秋约束Army Etiquette Directing Military Affairs Spring and Autumn Period Restraint
摘要: 钱穆先生认为,春秋时期的战争“可说是一种艺术化的战争”,而到了战国时期则是“真赌生命之剧烈战争也”。这种区别,在于春秋时期相较于战国时期,“礼”至少在形式上并没有被完全毁弃,尊礼轻诈,重信慎杀,“礼”在军事活动中依然得到了相当程度的贯彻。周礼将礼划分为吉凶宾军嘉五种,而军礼涵盖了战前治军,行军;战时致师,作战;战后班师,献俘等各方面的礼仪,同时,亦对统帅和士兵作出了行为上的约束。
Abstract: Dr. Ch’ien Mu said that the war in Spring and Autumn Period was artistic. However, by the time Warring States, it became more and more severe. The war in Spring and Autumn Period is distin-guished from the Warring States’ by the retention of Zhou Li, at least in the surface. The principles of Zhou Li are that people should respect the etiquette and credit, and abandon the massacre and cheat. To a certain extent, in Spring and Autumn Period, those principles were carried by each country. In Zhou Li, “Li” is divided into five parts, including worshipping etiquette, condoling etiquette, hosting etiquette, army etiquette, and celebration etiquette. The army etiquette is consisted of the etiquettes of directing military affairs and marching before the war, challenging and fighting in battle, and returning after victory as well as consecrating the captures. And, it also can restraint the behavior of commanders and his army.
文章引用:李晓东. 春秋时期军礼浅析[J]. 国学, 2016, 4(4): 40-46. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CnC.2016.44006


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