The Status of Mental Health in Chinese Civil Servants: The Manipulating Role of Music Relaxation Training
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.611154, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,745  浏览: 5,835 
作者: 崔 鞭, 黄 静, 鞠立华:海门市公共资源交易中心,江苏 南通
关键词: 心理健康音乐放松训练公务员Mental Health Music Relaxation Training Civil Servants
摘要: 随着经济和社会发展,公务员心理健康问题日益突出。本研究旨在考察公务员基于SCL-90、抑郁自评量表和焦虑自评量表的心理健康状况,以及音乐放松训练对公务员心理健康的调节与干预。结果发现:(1) 公务员心理健康状况较正常人差, 两者在绝大多数因子上差异显著,主要表现在抑郁、焦虑和躯体化得分上;(2) 音乐放松训练后,公务员的心理健康状况有所改善,抑郁和焦虑水平下降。研究表明音乐放松训练是一种调节公务员心理健康的有效的方式与手段。
Abstract: With the development and progress of society, the mental health of Chinese civil servants has be-come acute. The present study aimed to explore the mental health of Chinese civil servants by using SCL-90, SDS and SAS. In addition, we adopted music relaxation training to manipulate the mental health of Chinese civil servants. The results showed: 1) the mental health of Chinese civil servants was worse than normal; 2) after one-month’s music relaxation training, the depression and anxiety of Chinese civil servants were reduced. These results suggest that music relaxation training is an appropriate manner to manipulate the mental health of Chinese civil servants.
文章引用:崔鞭, 黄静, 鞠立华 (2016). 中国公务员的心理健康状况:音乐放松训练的调节作用. 心理学进展, 6(11), 1224-1229.


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