Professor Wang Yuying’s Experience on the Treatment of Acute Mastitis
DOI: 10.12677/TCM.2016.54019, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,099  浏览: 3,484 
作者: 王丽伟:北京市朝阳区潘家园社区卫生服务中心中医科,北京;韩松雪:北京市朝阳区妇儿医院中医科,北京;孙语男:北京护国寺中医院功能科,北京;王玉英:北京中医药大学国医堂门诊部,北京
关键词: 急性乳腺炎中医药疗法临床体会王玉英Acute Mastitis Chinese Medical Therapy Clinical Experience Wang Yuying
摘要: 王玉英教授为北京市一名老中医专家传承工作室指导老师,从事中医临床及科研工作50余年,王教授运用仙方活命饮加减内服同时配合芒硝、冰片外敷治疗急性乳腺炎,获得了较为满意的效果,本文介绍了王玉英教授治疗急性乳腺炎的临床体会。
Abstract: Professor Wang Yuying is an instructor of the old traditional Chinese medicine experts inheritance studio, engaged in clinical and scientific research of traditional Chinese medicine for more than fifty years. Professor Wang Yuying treats the acute mastitis by using Xianfanghuoming drink with Glauber salt and ice skin, which has achieved satisfactory clinical efficacy. The paper introduces Professor Wang Yuying’s experience on the treatment of acute mastitis.
文章引用:王丽伟, 韩松雪, 孙语男, 王玉英. 王玉英教授治疗急性乳腺炎体会[J]. 中医学, 2016, 5(4): 121-124. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/TCM.2016.54019