Time-Efficiency Function and Its Application
DOI: 10.12677/CES.2016.44030, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,819  浏览: 4,305  国家科技经费支持
作者: 曹立人:浙江大学心理系,浙江 杭州
关键词: 时效函数识记任务测定程序Time-Efficiency Function Memory Task Measure Procedure
摘要: 作业绩效与作业时间的依存关系函数称之为时效函数。时效函数具有很大的个性化特征,也有一定的共性。人类的时效函数大致可分为4个类型:①百灵鸟型,这类人的绩效峰值出现在早晨,早晨有较高的作业绩效;②夜猫子型,这类人的绩效峰值出现在晚上,晚上有较高的作业绩效;③麻雀型,这类人的绩效峰值有2个,上午与下午各有一个峰状出现,二峰之间有一明显的谷底状,呈“M”状;④混合型,这类人的绩效峰值一天中会出现多个,但持续时间较短,峰值出现的时间相位与持续时间也大致相似。依据个体的时效函数特征规划作业任务就能取得事半功倍的理想效果。作者还研制了一个识记任务的学习时效函数的测定程序,依据该程序,能在7天的工作周期内,完成一个人的识记任务时效函数测定。
Abstract: The function of performance depended by its work-time was so called time-efficiency function. The time-efficiency function had its very unique characteristic, and also had its general characters. For human beings, time-efficiency function could be divided into 4 types: the lark-type, for those the peak performance appeared in the morning; the owl-type, for those the peak performance appeared in the evening or at night; the sparrow-type, for those they had 2 peak performance times, one appeared in the morning and the other appeared in the afternoon, and there was a clear bottom shape between the two peaks, and the function curve pattern was like a capital letter “M”; the mixed-type, for those they had more than 2 peak performance times in one day, but its every peak performance duration appeared much shorter compared with other 3 types, and their every peak time duration and the phase every peak appeared were generally similar. Following students’ individual time-efficiency function to arrange their learning task, their task performance could get its ideal results. The author also developed a procedure to determine the time-efficiency function spatial for memory task. Carried on this procedure, a personal time-efficiency function for memory task could be determined within 7 days.
文章引用:曹立人. 时效函数及其应用[J]. 创新教育研究, 2016, 4(4): 168-172. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CES.2016.44030


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