Research Review of the Effect of Gender Role on Parenting
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.610132, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,945  浏览: 7,029  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 塔 娜, 张大均:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 性别角色养育动机养育行为婴儿面孔婴儿图式Gender Role Parenting Motivation Parenting Behavior Infant Face Baby Schema
摘要: 成人对婴儿的养育尤为重要,养育动机的强弱和养育质量的高低会直接影响下一代的生存和发展状况。随着经济的发展和社会文化的进步,性别角色的变化会持续强有力的影响个体的养育动机和行为。由此本文对性别角色、养育动机的概念和研究进展进行了梳理,并着重于性别角色对养育动机和养育行为影响研究进行综述。最后,结合中国实际和研究现状,总结和展望性别角色对养育影响研究的未来研究方向。
Abstract: The parenting and interest adults put on infants are crucial, considering they affect infants’ survival and development. With the development of modern society, the changing gendered beliefs continue to forcefully influence individuals’ parenting motivation and behavior. Therefore, research progress of gender role and parenting motivation were reviewed, and we put emphasis on review of the effect of gender role on parenting. Last but not least, future research directions were expected in consideration of China’s national conditions and research actuality.
文章引用:塔娜, 张大均 (2016). 性别角色对养育的影响研究述评. 心理学进展, 6(10), 1039-1046. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.610132


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