The Eastern Strategy of Byzantium during the Regime of Manuel I
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作者: 薛家瑞:中国人民大学附属中学,北京
关键词: 拜占庭帝国曼努埃尔一世十字军东征耶路撒冷王国Byzantium Empire Manuel I The Crusade Kingdom of Jerusalem
摘要: 曼努埃尔一世在位时,拜占庭帝国的东方一直是他对外经略的重点。曼努埃尔的东方战略成功化解了拜占庭帝国在12世纪所面临的外部危机:拉丁人的势力在东方扩张和东方穆斯林势力兴起。在曼努埃尔的统治下,拜占庭帝国立稳根基,科穆宁王朝的领土扩张到最大。但是其东方战略也有一定的局限性,战争与外交消耗了拜占庭帝国的国力,导致国内矛盾不断激化,甚至使拜占庭失去了对东方的控制。
Abstract: When Manuel I was ruling the Byzantium, the east of the empire always attracted his diplomatic attention. The eastern strategy of Manuel dismissed the exterior crises of Byzantium successfully in 12 century: the extension of Latin forces and rising of Muslim forces. Under the reign of Manuel, the foundation of Byzantium Empire was laid and the territory of Comnenian Dynasty was expended to the maximum. But the eastern strategy of Manuel also had its defect. Endless war and consumption of diplomacy drained the national power of Byzantium, stimulated the domestic conflicts of the country and had Byzantium lost its control of the east.
文章引用:薛家瑞. 曼努埃尔一世时期拜占庭的东方战略[J]. 历史学研究, 2016, 4(4): 21-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJHS.2016.44004


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