Pudong Modern Agricultural Development of Internet-Based Technologies
DOI: 10.12677/HJAS.2016.64013, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,094  浏览: 3,187 
作者: 和永杏, 潘维君:浦东新区农业服务中心南汇新城站,上海;马新明:浦东新区农业委员会,上海
关键词: 互联网现代农业农业4.0时代Internet Modern Agriculture Agriculture 4.0 Era
摘要: 在经济全速发展的今天,互联网正渗透各行各业,互联网与新兴技术在极大程度上推动了现代农业的发展。文章对互联网在浦东农业领域运用的重要性及其运用现状做了简单分析,并对互联网农业所面临的问题及农业全面跨入农业4.0时代的突破点进行了探讨和思考。
Abstract: Nowadays, with the rapid development of national economy, the internet technology is infiltrating all professions and trades. The internet and emerging technologies greatly promote the development of modern agriculture. This article focuses on the importance and its application of internet technology in agricultural field, and then discusses many of the issues, challenges and roadblocks that exist with Internet agriculture and the breakthrough point of the agriculture into the agriculture 4.0 era.
文章引用:和永杏, 潘维君, 马新明. 浅析基于互联网技术的浦东现代农业发展[J]. 农业科学, 2016, 6(4): 87-90. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJAS.2016.64013


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