The Construction of Contemporary Ecological Ethics with Chinese Characteristics
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2016.53070, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,852  浏览: 5,617  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 郑昭佩, 宋德香:山东师范大学地理与环境学院,山东 济南
关键词: 生态伦理中国特色中国传统文化可持续发展Ecological Ethics Chinese Characteristics Chinese Traditional Culture Sustainable Development
摘要: 经济发展在提高人类福利的同时,也造成了环境污染、生态系统退化、资源枯竭等问题,这些问题不是仅靠经济发展和科技进步就能解决的,必须从观念上改变人对自然的态度,并将关爱自然的观念贯彻到现实生活中。然而中国当代处于经济高速发展的时期,大多数人走向了以破坏自然生态系统换取经济高速发展的极端,只强调人类发展经济的权利,对自然生态系统的关爱被忽视;而部分持西方生物平等、尊重生命等观点的生态伦理论者又走向另一极端,为主张自然的权利而阻碍经济社会发展甚至牺牲人类生存发展的权利。这两个极端都不利于经济社会的持续发展,中国传统文化既强调和谐又强调秩序的中庸之道,有利于在两个极端之间寻求平衡进而促进经济社会可持续发展。因此,构建中国特色的当代生态伦理成为促进经济社会可持续发展的必然选择。本文总结了中国传统文化中生态伦理思想的特色,并分析了中国生态伦理构建面临的困境和有利条件,进而提出了构建中国生态伦理的途径。
Abstract: The development of economy has brought great welfare to human and has given rise to environmental pollution, degradation of ecosystem and depletion of resources as well. The solution of these problems cannot only rely on the development of economy and the technology, but also needs to change the sense of nature of human, and put the sense of caring for nature into effect. However, China’s economy growth is just at the high speed development period, the majorities of Chinese have gone to the extreme that the development of economy is at the expense of ecological destruction. They only emphasis on the human’s right of economic development and the duty of caring for nature have been neglected. On the other hand, theorists of ecological ethics who adhere to biological equality and respect the life of all types have gone to the opposite extreme, they claime the right of nature and do not hesitate to hinder economic development and even sacrifice human's right of survival. Both of the two extremes are disadvantages for the economic social's sustainable development. The golden mean in Chinese traditional culture emphasis not only the harmonious but also the orders, this is in favor of seeking balance between two extremes and can promote the sustainable development of economic social. So the construction of contemporary ecological ethics with Chinese characteristics is the inevitable choice of China. The characteristics of the thought of ecological ethics in Chinese traditional culture and the advantages and the dilemma that were confronted within the construction of Chinese ecological ethics were concluded and analyzed in this paper, furthermore, the pathway to construct Chinese ecological ethics was put forward.
文章引用:郑昭佩, 宋德香. 中国特色的当代生态伦理构建研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(3): 499-505.


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