An Analysis about Function Continuation and Adaptability of Ancient Buildings Existing in Shenyang
DOI: 10.12677/HJCE.2016.53014, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,949  浏览: 3,790 
作者: 马欣怡, 姚 琦, 朴玉顺:沈阳建筑大学建筑与规划学院,辽宁 沈阳
关键词: 建筑保护功能延续适应性地域性建筑Building Protection Function Continuation Adaptability Regional Architecture
摘要: 现存于沈阳市区的古代建筑多以点式分布,依然保持着清代形成的格局。每处建筑的整体性都得到很好地保护,且多保护范围明确,并为今人所沿用。其建筑或功能与古代一致、或与当今时代的使用功能相关,都以适应自身的模式得到多样化利用。这些汇聚了当今人类智慧的处理手法使这些古代建筑得以留存,并在今天仍旧发挥着光芒。本文以沈阳的四塔四寺(东塔永光寺、西塔延寿寺、南塔广慈寺、北塔法轮寺)、实胜寺、长安寺、中心庙7处建筑群为例,对古建筑使用功能延续及适应性作初步讨论,以探寻古建筑利用性保护的新模式。
Abstract: Ancient buildings existing in Shenyang now are of point distribution mostly and still remaining the typical pattern formed in Qing Dynasty. The integrity of these buildings are preserved very well, each of which is clearly scoped and specifically associated with people today. These ancient buildings are function-related, featured consistently with the ancient and the modern era, adapting themselves to diversified ways, which brings together the human wisdom today with the ancient. Four Towers and Four Temples in Shenyang (Yongguang Temple, Yanshou Temple, Guangji Temple, Falun Temple), Shisheng Temple, Chang’an Temple, the Center Temple are discussed in this paper, making a preliminary discussion about the adaptability and continuity, thus exploring the new mode of utilization and protection in regard to ancient buildings.
文章引用:马欣怡, 姚琦, 朴玉顺. 沈阳现存古建筑功能延续与适应性保护探析[J]. 土木工程, 2016, 5(3): 97-106. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJCE.2016.53014