Analysis on Economic Effect of Meeting Tourism in Hotel
DOI: 10.12677/SSEM.2016.53011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,249  浏览: 4,926  科研立项经费支持
作者: 廖继武:肇庆学院旅游管理系,广东 肇庆
关键词: 会议旅游酒店会议经济效果Meeting Tourism Hotel Meeting Economic Effect
摘要: 会议旅游发展快,已成为酒店核心业务之一,明晰不同会议经济效果有利于酒店有针对性地开发会议市场。收集珠三角某国际连锁酒店2012年举办的会议数据,采用定量分析方法,分析了不同类型会议的经济效果。酒店举办会议类型以公司会议为主,会议规模以中小型为主,会期以半天至一天为多,参会人数多在以100人以下;参会者以公司客户为多,会议组织者以本市与本省为主,旅行社组织会议占比多;会议旅游收入与会议规模基本呈正向相关关系,政府举办会议消费水平高,2~3天会期人均花费高,百人以下人数会议人均费用高,官员与公司高层参会人员的费用远大于其他参会人员,国外与本省举办的会议人均花费高。
Abstract: The rapid development of meeting tourism makes it become one of the core-business in a hotel. Clearing the economic effect of different meetings can be the benefit of the hotel to selectively target some meeting tourism markets. Using the meeting data of an international chain hotel in the Pearl River Delta, with quantitative analysis method, we analyzed the economic effects of different kinds of meetings. The type of hotel meetings is mainly company meetings; the scale of meetings is mainly between small and medium size; hotel meetings take mainly a half of a day and a day; the number of attendance is mainly under 100; most participants are company customers; conference organizers are mainly from the city and province as the hotel; most meetings are organized by travel agency; the income of meeting tourism is positively related to meeting tourism size; meetings of high-level consumption are held by the government; the spending per capita is high in 2 - 3 days meetings and meetings under one hundred participants; the spending of officials and executives attendees is greater than other attendees; the spending per capita is high in the meetings held by abroad and provincial sponsors.
文章引用:廖继武. 酒店会议经济效果分析[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2016, 5(3): 108-114. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SSEM.2016.53011


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