A Review of Supplier Relationship: from Rivalry to Cooperation
DOI: 10.12677/SSEM.2016.53008, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,296  浏览: 8,193 
作者: 易 英:厦门大学管理学院,福建 厦门
关键词: 供应链供应商关系对抗合作Supply Chain Supplier Relationship Rivalry Cooperation
摘要: 论文通过对关于供应商关系研究的梳理,阐述了制造商–供应商关系从众多供应商、短期合同为特征的对抗型关系到较少供应商、长期合同为特征的合作型关系的转变,引起这种转变的原因包括削减成本、提高业绩、扩大价值等。论文也总结了目前合作型供应商关系中的涉及的四类主要研究问题:依赖性,地位和利益分配;信息分享和沟通;信任;知识分享,新产品开发和创新。
Abstract: By sorting out the studies on supplier relationship, we describe the shift from arm’s length rela-tionship characterized by a number of suppliers and short-term contracts to long-term relationship characterized by a few suppliers and long-term contracts. The reasons causing the shift are costs cutting, performance improvement, value increasing and so on. We also summarize four issues of supplier relationship studies: dependency, power and distribution of benefits; information sharing and communication; trust; knowledge sharing, new product development and innovation.
文章引用:易英. 供应商关系研究综述:从对抗到合作[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2016, 5(3): 74-83. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SSEM.2016.53008


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