Syntheses of Impurity A and C of Olmesartan Medoxomil
DOI: 10.12677/PI.2016.52002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,279  浏览: 7,213 
作者: 李维思, 陈国萍, 范 鑫, 唐景玉:江苏中邦制药有限公司,江苏 南京
关键词: 奥美沙坦酯杂质A和C合成Olmesartan Medoxomil Impurity A and C Syntheses
摘要: 目的:优化和改进奥美沙坦酯杂质A和C的合成反应条件,提供了一条简单实用的合成奥美沙坦酯杂质A和C杂质对照品的路线。方法:杂质A由原料1通过一步酸解脱除三苯甲基保护基,然后用丙酮重结晶得到,而杂质C则通过原料2经叔醇官能团脱水成双键和酸解脱除三苯甲基保护基两步反应,最后通过柱层析得到。结果:优化了反应条件,重现性好,纯度大于95%符合杂质对照品要求。结论:本方法反应方法操作简单实用,重现性好。
Abstract: Objective: A synthetic method towards impurity A and C of olmesartan medoxomil has been pro-vided through optimizing literature reaction conditions. Methods: Impurity A was directly obtained by acidic-removal of Trt protecting group of starting material 1 with subsequent recrystallization from acetone, whereas impurity C was afforded through dehydration of tertiary alcohol group of starting material 2 followed by acidic-removal of Trt protecting group. Results: Through optimization of literature reaction condition, impurity A and C with chemical purity greater than 95% can be readily obtained. Conclusion: The current method towards impurity A and C is simple and practical with good reproductivity.
文章引用:李维思, 陈国萍, 范鑫, 唐景玉. 奥美沙坦酯杂质A和C的合成[J]. 药物资讯, 2016, 5(2): 9-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/PI.2016.52002


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