Emotion Regulation and Attachment —Based on the Perspective of Development
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.64068, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,842  浏览: 9,657 
作者: 李梦楠:鲁东大学教育科学学院,山东 烟台
关键词: 情绪情绪调节依恋青少年社会性发展Emotion Emotion Regulation Attachment Adolescent Social Development
摘要: 不同的情绪表达代表的是复杂的社会性信息,而不同依恋风格的个体拥有各自不同的情绪调节方式,个体情绪的表达和情绪调节方式也直接影响到他们的社会性发展。本文从情绪、情绪调节与依恋相关的实证研究证据出发,结合近年来在依恋与情绪调节领域的最新研究,特别是关于青少年心理健康状态的相关研究,从发展的角度对情绪调节与依恋之间的联系进行整理和概括。未来研究应从研究方法、选题角度以及考察视角等方面逐步加深情绪调节能力与依恋模式在个体心理状态健康发展中起到的重要作用。
Abstract: Different emotional expression is the representative of the complicated social information, and individuals with different attachment styles have different emotion regulation, emotion expression and emotion regulation also directly affect their social development. This article started from the integration of empirical evidence which included emotion, emotion regulation and attachment in recent years, combined with the new research of emotion regulation and attachment, especially the research on adolescent mental health related, summarized and collated the relationship between emotion regulation and attachment from the perspective of the development. Future research should deepen the important effects of attachment and emotion regulation for the development of people’s mental health both from the methods and the angle of view.
文章引用:李梦楠 (2016). 情绪调节与依恋—基于发展的视角. 心理学进展, 6(4), 512-518. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.64068


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