The Research Review of Distributed Energy Development Policy
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2016.62012, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,404  浏览: 9,283  科研立项经费支持
作者: 丁瑞敏, 段保乾, 崔伟春:华北电力大学,河北 保定
关键词: 分布式能源发展政策研究综述Distributed Energy Development Policy The Research Review
摘要: 国内外学者对于发展分布式能源的重要意义已形成基本共识。国外学者的研究起步早,形成了一系列研究成果,研究成果的内容已涵盖了分布式能源的技术研发、产品生产、产品销售等阶段;几年来的研究还注重评估分布式能源政策实施的效果,进而提出现有政策的改进方向和措施。国内学者的研究尚未对分布式能源、新能源、可再生能源有明确的界定,现有的少量研究成果主要集中在三个方面:发达国家分布式能源发展的经验及对我国的启示,我国各个地区分布式能源发展的必要性和可行性分析,我国各个地区分布式能源发展的具体政策(政策体系、财税、金融、国际合作等)。总体而言,国外的研究成果针对性较强,内容丰富,为国内学者的研究提供了有益的借鉴与参考。国内学者还需要从分布式能源发展政策的研究内容、研究视角和研究方法等方面开展深入细致的研究,为完善中国分布式能源发展政策提供有价值的参考。
Abstract: The importance of the development of distributed energy has become the basic consensus of do-mestic and foreign scholars. Foreign scholars’ research started early, and formed a series of re-search results. The content of these research results covers distributed energy technology research and development, production, product sales, etc.; the past few years’ study also pays attention to assessing the effect of distributed energy policy implementation, improves the existing policy direction and puts forward measures. Distributed energy, new energy and renewable energy are not clearly defined at home, and a small quantity of existing research results is mainly in three aspects: distributed energy development experience of developed countries and the enlightenment to our country; the necessity and feasibility analysis of distributed energy development in each region of China; and the specific policy of distributed energy development in each region (policy system, taxation, finance, international cooperation, etc.). In a word, the foreign research achievements are targeted and plentiful, which provide a useful reference for the domestic scholars’ study. Domestic scholars also need to carry out intensive research from aspects of distributed energy development policy research contents, research perspectives and research method, etc., to provide valuable reference for China’s distributed energy development policy.
文章引用:丁瑞敏, 段保乾, 崔伟春. 分布式能源发展政策研究综述[J]. 可持续发展, 2016, 6(2): 91-96. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SD.2016.62012


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