The Development and Application of JJ-CY02 Double Bucket Sediment Sampler
DOI: 10.12677/JWRR.2016.52020, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,252  浏览: 7,125 
作者: 周儒夫, 程含斌:长江水利委员会水文局荆江水文水资源勘测局,湖北 荆州;任 勇:长江水利委员会水文局,湖北 武汉
关键词: 双斗式采样器床沙采样研制运用比较分析Double Bucket Sampler Bed Sand Sampling Development and Application Comparative Analysis
摘要: 在床沙采样中,国内目前已有锹式、碗式、蚌式、锥式、钳式等采样器,多为上世纪八十年代之前的产品。它们口门一般设计较小、关门依靠外力作用,因此外业中每次取到的样品量较少或根本无法获得较大的卵石颗粒,同时绝大多数采样器在触底时受水流扰动作用,表面轻、细的床沙易被冲走难以获取,这些都严重影响作业效率和测验成果质量。针对这些缺陷,JJ-CY02型双斗式床沙采样器采用了双斗式、触发自动开关门、流线外形与尾翼设计,通过实践证实,更易获得足量、完整的粘土、砂、卵石等不同级配的床沙样品,大大提高野外作业效率和水文测验成果质量。
Abstract: Among the bed material measurements, the domestic already has the shovel type, bowl type, clams type, cone type, clamp type sampler and so on, most of which were created before 1980s. These entrances are often small and depend on the other external force to get closed. This results in the situation that few or no large pebble can be extracted in field work sampling. Moreover, most samplers are disturbed by the water flow, and are difficult to get those light and tiny surface bed materials sampled. These drawbacks play a great impact on the work efficiency and measurement quality. In order to improve these drawbacks, JJ-CY02 bed material sampler is created with double bucket, trigger-type automatic doors, streamlined shape and empennage. Verified by facts, JJ-CY02 bed material sampler is proved to get enough and complete grain-size distribution of clay, sand and pebble much easier, and greatly enhance the field word efficiency and hydrological measurements quality.
文章引用:周儒夫, 程含斌, 任勇. JJ-CY02型双斗式床沙采样器的研制及运用[J]. 水资源研究, 2016, 5(2): 155-161. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JWRR.2016.52020


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