Research on Application of Formative Assessment in Genetics Experiment Course Examination
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作者: 赵文婧*, 段学强, 李智慧:太原师范学院生物系,山西 太原
关键词: 形成性评价遗传学实验应用研究Formative Assessment Genetics Experiment Research on Application
摘要: 对于生物学专业来说,遗传学是一门主干课程,而遗传学实验课程不仅对遗传学的教学起到巩固与补充的作用,而且能使学生掌握相应的遗传学实验操作技能。在传统的教学评价过程中学生是被动接受者,因此较难体现出学生的整体素质,而形成性评价是对学生学习全过程进行的评价,是发展性评价,能更好的对学生做出全面客观的评价。通过实验课上观察并记录学生的精神状态和实验操作中的表现以及对学生进行现场提问,并结合期中测试和期末测试成绩综合性给予学生全面的评价。成绩的形成来源于学生自评、小组互评、教师评价、实验操作技能、期中考试、期末考试六项内容,针对6项内容结合教学实际制定适宜的分配比例,对学生的遗传学实验课程完成形成性评价。
Abstract: Genetics is a very important course in major biology. So in the meantime, genetics experiment course not only has the effect of consolidated and complement teaching of genetics, but also can make students master the corresponding genetics experiment operation skills. On the traditional teaching evaluation, which makes it difficult to fully reflect the students’ quality, students are passive recipients, while formative assessment is a new evaluation system which evaluates the full studying process of students. Via observing and recording the students’ mental state, the performance of experimental operation and the questions being answered by students, plus the mid- term test and final test, students will get a full stage evaluation. Scores of the students come from 6 corresponding contents, which involve self-evaluation, group evaluation, teacher evaluation, experiment operation skills, the mid-term exam and the final exam. Formative assessment of students for experiment courses of genetics can be done referring to an appropriate distribution rate of the above 6 items.
文章引用:赵文婧, 段学强, 李智慧. 形成性评价在遗传学实验课程考核中的应用研究[J]. 教育进展, 2016, 6(2): 57-64. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AE.2016.62010


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