Analysis of Culture’s Effects on Foreign Direct Investment Scale
DOI: 10.12677/BGlo.2016.41002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,471  浏览: 7,151 
作者: 陈汉林, 雷继涛:湖北大学研究生院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 文化因素外国直接投资不确定性避免Cultural Dimensions Foreign Direct Investment Uncertainty Avoidance
摘要: 不同国家吸引外国直接投资的数额存在巨大差异,而文化因素日益成为导致这些差异的重要因素之一。本文使用Hofstede提炼出的5个文化维度,将这些维度对吸引外国直接投资规模的影响进行了经验分析,分析表明个体主义指数得分低、长期导向指数得分高的国家吸收外国直接投资规模更大;权利距离指数与不确定性避免指数对吸引外国直接投资规模的影响则要考虑东道国与母国之间在这两个指数得分上的差异,差异越大吸引外国直接投资规模越小。为了验证经验分析的正确性,本文利用各国吸引外国直接投资的数据进行了回归分析,并在分析权利距离指数与不确定性避免指数相似性对吸引外国直接投资规模的影响时,将中国设定为东道国。实证分析结果与经验分析结论基本一致。但在不确定性避免指数相似性对吸引外国直接投资规模的影响方面出现了一定分歧,即母国与东道国不确定性避免指数得分差异越大,东道国吸引外国直接投资规模越大。
Abstract: The scale of foreign direct investment (FDI) varies with countries, and culture is becoming one of the important factors. This paper uses five cultural dimensions proposed by Hofstede, and analyzes their effects on FDI scale. The results indicate that the higher the scores of individualism index and long-term orientation index are, the larger the scale of FDI is. The effects of power distance index and uncertainty avoidance index depend on score disparity between home country and host country, and the disparity and FDI is negative correlation. To verify the empirical analysis, this paper uses FDI data to establish a regression model. When analyze the effects of the similarity of power distance index and uncertainty avoidance index, China is set to be the host country. The results of empirical analysis and regression analysis are basically the same, but the effect of the similarity of uncertainty avoidance index is different. That is to say, in regression analysis, the bigger the difference between host country and home country on the score of uncertainty avoidance index, the larger the FDI scale is.
文章引用:陈汉林, 雷继涛. 文化因素对吸引外国直接投资规模的影响分析[J]. 商业全球化, 2016, 4(1): 7-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/BGlo.2016.41002


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