Is There Really Ghost Pressing You?—A Psychological Review of Sleep Paralysis
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.512110, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,047  浏览: 8,035 
作者: 马文杰, 曾建敏:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 睡眠瘫痪鬼压床快速眼动睡眠综述神经基础Sleep Paralysis Ghost Press Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Review Neural Basis
摘要: 睡眠瘫痪俗称“鬼压床”,是在人群中较常见的一种异态睡眠,曾被认为是与灵异有关。近些年来的科学研究将其解释为“心醒身未醒”或“身睡心未睡”的意识与身体不同步进入睡眠态时而引起的。有关研究通过探究睡眠瘫痪时的有关神经生理基础,以及快速眼动睡眠与清醒态有关的睡眠周期节律,提出了几种相关理论解释。本文综述了睡眠瘫痪有关概念、症状、人群分布、影响因素、预防与应对,并着重介绍了前述神经生理解释。
Abstract: Sleep paralysis, also widely known as “ghost press”, is a type of parasomnias. Recent scientific re-search on sleep paralysis explained these seeming superstitions through exploration on its neural and pathophysiological mechanisms. In the current review we introduced basic symptoms, pre-velance, factors and treatment of sleep paralysis, as well as several major neural system explana-tions in relation to REM sleep.
文章引用:马文杰, 曾建敏 (2015). “鬼压床”的真相——睡眠瘫痪的心理学研究综述. 心理学进展, 5(12), 852-858. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.512110


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