Psychological Resilience as a Moderator between Loneliness and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly
DOI: 10.12677/AR.2015.24006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,800  浏览: 12,491 
作者: 曲孝原, 刘培朵, 黄希庭:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 生活满意度孤独感心理韧性老年人调节作用Life Satisfaction Loneliness Psychological Resilience The Elderly Moderation
摘要: 本研究旨在探究老年人孤独感与生活满意度的关系,着重探讨了心理韧性的调节作用。研究采用问卷调查的方式,以240名老年人为研究对象,数据分析采用分层回归的分析方法。研究发现:1) 老年人的孤独感与生活满意度呈显著的负相关;2) 心理韧性调节老年人孤独感对生活满意度的作用,即对于心理韧性高的老年人来说,体会到高孤独感的老年人仍会有较高的生活满意度。
Abstract: The current study aimed to explore the importance of loneliness in life satisfaction and to extend the precious literature by investigating the potential moderating effects of resilience. To test the study hypotheses, self-report measures of loneliness, resilience and life satisfaction were administrated to 240 participants aged 55 - 98 years old. Correlation analysis indicated that loneliness was negatively correlated with life satisfaction. Regression analyses showed that resilience moderated the relationship between loneliness and life satisfaction. It means that even the elderly who felt very loneliness could have high levels of life satisfaction if he or she had high resilience.
文章引用:曲孝原, 刘培朵, 黄希庭. 心理韧性调节孤独感对老年人生活满意度的影响[J]. 老龄化研究, 2015, 2(4): 39-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AR.2015.24006


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