Dorothy and Tintern Abbey
DOI: 10.12677/WLS.2015.33018, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,510  浏览: 8,597 
作者: 于 歌:上海交通大学,上海
关键词: 威廉•华兹华斯多萝西《廷腾寺》William Wordsworth Dorothy Tintern Abbey
摘要: 早期浪漫主义诗歌评论家认为华兹华斯在《廷腾寺》的最后一节回归到多萝西是出于对她的爱护和需要。但近期一些评论家则不赞同这种解读,并批评华兹华斯将自己的妹妹写入诗歌的末节是一种“唯我主义”的表现。本文试图从分析诗歌本身来解读多萝西在《廷腾寺》中不可或缺的作用,探讨多萝西的尾节回归体现了三方面的和谐统一,包括文本自身的和谐统一,即三种动词时态的统一,作者与读者的统一,以及自然与人类关系的统一,与此同时,诗歌本身传达的和谐因素也与威廉ž华兹华斯本人追求的精神和谐相呼应。本文不但提供了一个比较新颖的角度来欣赏这首浪漫主义时期的经典长诗,也从一个更加客观的角度来分析多萝西在《廷腾寺》中的重要地位,以期进一步解决浪漫主义文学评论家围绕这个话题所展开的争论,其次,读者也可从本文的分析中窥探浪漫主义诗歌中自然与人类惺惺相惜、和谐与共的独特魅力!
Abstract: The turn of Dorothy in the coda of Tintern Abbey is regarded as an act of Wordsworth’s need and love of her by the earlier romantic poetry critics, but some recent critics do not agree with this interpretation by criticizing it as “solipsism”. However, this article tries to, through returning to the text, namely objective analysis of the poem, address the place of Dorothy in Tintern Abbey, arguing that the turn of Dorothy is indispensable and reflects the harmony in three dimensions, including harmony of tense, nature/human relationship and writer/readers. At the same time, the poetic harmony echos with the spiritual harmony that William Wordsworth pursues. Not only providing a novel perspective of appreciating the classic Romantic poem, this paper, via a more objective way to prove Dorothy’s irreplaceable presence, is also expected to further solve the arguments around this topic among Romanticism critics. Besides, a glimpse of the unique charm nurtured in the harmonious relationship between nature and men will be obtained by the readers of this article.
文章引用:于歌. 多萝西与《廷腾寺》[J]. 世界文学研究, 2015, 3(3): 114-119. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/WLS.2015.33018


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