Drawing Grain Size Distribution R-R-B Line Diagram by MATLAB
DOI: 10.12677/ME.2015.33023, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,350  浏览: 10,964 
作者: 李 飞:中煤科工集团唐山研究院有限公司,河北 唐山
关键词: 粒度特性R-R方程式R-R-B线图MATLABSize Characteristic R-R Equation R-R-B line Diagram MATLAB
摘要: 粒度特性方程是研究表述散状物料粒度特性的主要方法,目前用的较多的是R-R方程式。本文介绍了目前通行的R-R-B图画法,然后详细说明了用MATLAB软件编程绘制了R-R-B图的新方法,并实验对比了两种方法的拟合效果,得出了使用MATLAB拟合的优点。
Abstract: The grain size characteristic equation is the main method to study the grain size characteristics of granular materials, and the R-R equation is used. This paper introduces the current R-R-B drawing, the programming with MATLAB software rendering the new method R-R-B graph is described in detail, and the fitting effect of two methods is experimentally compared which shows the advan-tages of MATLAB fitting.
文章引用:李飞. 用MATLAB绘制粒度分布R-R-B线图[J]. 矿山工程, 2015, 3(3): 166-171. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ME.2015.33023