Compile and Test the Reliability and Validity of Questionnaire about College Students’ Mate Selection Attitude
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2015.57057, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,346  浏览: 10,813 
作者: 韦 唯, 张进辅:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 大学生择偶价值观问卷College Students Mate Selection Attitude Questionnaire
摘要: 恋爱是大学生的重要人生课题,择偶价值观对其恋爱行为具有指导作用。本研究通过文献回顾法、专家访谈法、开放式问卷相结合的方法,编制了大学生择偶价值观问卷。探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析的结果表明大学生择偶价值观包含5个因素:经济水平、个人能力、个人品质、心理相容、身体面貌。信效度检验的结果表明本问卷结构良好,能够成为测查当代大学生择偶观的有效工具。
Abstract: Love is an important subject in life for college students, and the mate selection attitude plays a guidance role in love behavior. Based on combination of the methods of literature review, expert interview and investigation with open questionnaire, the research compiles the questionnaire of college students’ mate selection attitude. The results of exploratory factor analysis and confirma-tory factor analysis show that college students’ mate selection attitude includes 5 factors: economic level, personal ability, personal qualities, psychological match and physical appearance. At the same time, the results of test of reliability and validity indicate this questionnaire has good structure and is able to become an effective tool to test the attitude of college students’ mate selection.
文章引用:韦唯, 张进辅 (2015). 大学生择偶价值观问卷的编制及信效度检验. 心理学进展, 5(7), 436-444. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.57057


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