Research Summary of Yukio Hatoyama Foreign Policy in the Educational Circle of China and Japan in Recent Years
DOI: 10.12677/OJHS.2015.33003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,687  浏览: 8,677 
作者: 车菲菲, 郑 毅:北华大学东亚历史与文化研究中心,吉林 吉林
关键词: 鸠山由纪夫“友爱”哲学东亚共同体普天间基地Yukio Hatoyama “Fraternity” Philosophy East Asian Community The Futenma Base
摘要: 中日学界对鸠山由纪夫的研究热开始于2009年鸠山由纪夫出任日本首相后,两国学者的研究重点主要集中在三个方面:“友爱”政治哲学,东亚共同体构想和日美关系。“友爱”思想是其外交政策的理论基础,而东亚共同体和日美关系则是鸠山友爱外交政策的两大车轮。本文从这三个方面分类论述已有的研究成果,以期在总结前人研究情况的基础上,能找到新的研究课题,充实对鸠山由纪夫的研究。
Abstract: The Chinese and Japanese research hot of Yukio Hatoyama began in 2009, when he served as the Prime Minister of Japan. The focus of the research is mainly focused on three aspects: the political philosophy of “fraternity”, the conception of East Asian Community and the relationship between Japan and the United States. “Fraternity” is the theoretical basis of his foreign policy and the East Asian Community and US-Japan relations are the two big wheels of Hatoyama’s fraternity foreign policy. This article discussed the existing research results separately from these three aspects and aimed to find a new research project on the basis of summarizing the former researches, so as to enrich the study of Yukio Hatoyama.
文章引用:车菲菲, 郑毅. 近年来中日学界关于鸠山由纪夫外交政策的研究综述[J]. 历史学研究, 2015, 3(3): 17-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJHS.2015.33003


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