Ecological Footprint of Tianmen City
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2015.53009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,478  浏览: 8,756 
作者: 熊炳桥, 叶 晶, 张雯娜:湖北大学资源环境学院,湖北 武汉
关键词: 生态足迹生态赤字国家公顷可持续发展天门Ecological Footprint Ecological Deficit National Hectare Sustainable Development Tianmen City
摘要: 生态足迹是一种将某地区资源消耗和废弃物排放的影响转化为生物生产性土地的方法,它能够定量分析可持续发展的程度。该文对天门市5年来的生态足迹进行了计算分析。计算结果表明,天门市历年生态足迹呈不断增加趋势,5年间增加13.63%,人均承载力呈小幅波动增长,增长率为2.1%。而且人均生态足迹均呈现生态赤字现象,从2009年的0.66686 hm2增加到2013年的0.80852 hm2,增长率为21.24%。人均生态足迹和人均GDP逐年增大的同时,人均万元GDP足迹逐年减小。这一结果,反映天门市的资源利用已超出实际的生态承载力范围,经济发展过程中的生态状况不容乐观,并在此基础上提出天门市未来可持续发展可选途径。
Abstract: As a method to measure the effect of environment, ecological footprint can assess the sustainable development level of a certain region. In this paper, we give an introduction to the concept of eco-logical footprint and computing modeling. Then, we take Tianmen City as a case study and assess its development situation from 2009 to 2013 by ecological footprint theory. The result showed that the per capita ecological footprint of Tianmen City increased 13.63% and the per capita ecological capacity increased 2.1% in the 5 years. This region had been in ecological deficit and increased by 21.24% from 0.66686 hm2 to 0.80852 hm2. The per capita ecological footprint and per capita GDP kept increasing, while the ecological footprint of ten thousand yuan GDP presented a downward trend. In addition to these analyses, the ecological footprint of Tianmen was beyond the available ecological capacity, and the ecological environment was at risk. The available measures for the sustainable development of Tianmen city in the future were put forward.
文章引用:熊炳桥, 叶晶, 张雯娜. 天门市生态足迹分析[J]. 可持续发展, 2015, 5(3): 57-66. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SD.2015.53009


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