The Conveyer of Noise-Reduced and Srash-Proof Drill Pipe
DOI: 10.12677/ME.2015.33011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,309  浏览: 6,710 
作者: 谢晓波:吉林大学建设工程学院,吉林 长春 ;王琳娜, 韩 霖, 刘淑英:中石化中原石油工程有限公司管具公司,河南 濮阳;刘旭超, 郑高鹏:吉林省探矿机械厂,吉林 长春
关键词: 防喷降噪钻具输送分贝Blowout Prevention Decreasing Voice Drilling Tools Delivery Decibel (db)
摘要: 针对目前国内钻具生产车间噪声污染严重问题,采取在钻具管排架上增设降噪防碰机构,来降低钻具间的接触力和由此产生的噪声污染,从而改善工人的工作环境。研制的无动力防碰机构,依靠自身重力实现自动回弹和通过前一根钻具的重力实现对后一根钻具的阻挡,有效降低钻具碰撞产生的噪音强度。通过现场监测,降噪防碰钻具管排装置较常规钻具管排机由钻具碰撞产生的噪音低位端峰值下降30.6%,低位端平均值下降24.7%,高位端峰值下降31.1%,高位端平均值下降32.9%,降噪效果明显。同时,该机构结构简单、使用方便,具有很高的推广应用价值。
Abstract: It is adopted to establish structure of reducing-noise and avoiding-collision in the drilling tools bent, and it can decrease contact force among drilling tools, so it can reduce noise pollution by drilling tools collision, and finally it can improve working environment which is based on noise pollution in the drilling tools producing workplace. According to smart designed unpowered crash-proof structure, drilling tools can achieve automatic resilience depending on self-gravitation, and obtain blocking to the next drilling tool through gravity of the prior drilling tool. Thus, it can reduce noise intensity of drilling tools collision. Through on-site monitoring, the device can make noise low-order peak value decrease 30.6%; the noise is caused by drilling tools collision compared with conventional drill pipe collision. Noise mean value decreased 24.7%. High peak value declined 31.1 %. Obvious effects are gained when noise mean value decreases 32.9 %. Meanwhile the device has simple structure, and can be easily used; moreover, it has high value to be promoted.
文章引用:谢晓波, 王琳娜, 韩霖, 刘淑英, 刘旭超, 郑高鹏. 无动力降噪防碰钻具输送装置[J]. 矿山工程, 2015, 3(3): 75-82. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ME.2015.33011


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