Study of the Relationship between Female and Nature in Literary Works from the Perspective of Eco-Feminism—With Example of the Comparison between A White Heron and Border Town
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2015.42015, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,863  浏览: 8,253 
作者: 李克俭:大连外国语大学,辽宁 大连
关键词: 生态女性主义翠翠西尔维娅觉醒自我Eco-Feminism Cuicui Sylvia Awareness Ego
摘要: 生态女性主义文学批评是20世纪90年代蔚然成风的一种文艺理论。许多学者竞相以生态女性主义的视角对一些经典作品进行解读,其中就包括了《一只白苍鹭》。与之相较,沈从文发表于1934年的小说《边城》亦是一部非常适合以生态女性主义的视点解读的作品,却乏人关注;以生态女性主义对《一只白苍鹭》和《边城》的比较研究更是空白。本文即尝试将这两部作品中各自的女主人公翠翠和西尔维娅,置于生态女性主义的视角下进行比较,探究两位女性与自然的关系分别有哪些相似和不同,并对生态女性主义这一理论本身进行思考。
Abstract: Eco-feminist literary criticism is the theory of literature and art which has become prevalent in 1990s. A plenty of scholars focus competitively on the interpretation of classics, including A White Heron, from the perspective of eco-feminism. Besides, published in 1934 by Shen Congwen, Border Town is also suitable to be interpreted from the perspective of eco-feminism while it got little atten-tion. And the comparative study between A White Heron and Border Town from the perspective of eco-feminism got no attention. Proceeding from eco-feminism, this paper attempts to make a com- parative study on the two heroines, namely Cuicui and Sylvia, of these two books and explore the similarities and differences between them and the nature and the author will reflect on the theory of eco-feminism.
文章引用:李克俭. 生态女性主义视角下文学中女性与自然的关系研究—以《边城》和《一只白苍鹭》的比较为例[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2015, 4(2): 92-97. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2015.42015


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