Concise Explanation of the Theory of Five Yun Six Qi
DOI: 10.12677/CnC.2015.32003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,187  浏览: 7,599 
作者: 李林福, 张赛男, 胡海波, 吴龙火:赣南医学院,药学院,江西 赣州
关键词: 五运六气天干地支预测疾病防治Five Yun Six Qi Chinese Era Forecast Prevention and Control of Diseases
摘要: 五运六气理论是专门讨论天体运动、气候、生态、人体的内存联系的理论,也是中医基础理论的核心。经典文献及现有文献对五运六气理论的论述过于复杂,使得读者难以理解。本文通过摘抄经典文献并结合现有文献,将五运六气理论的概念、天干地支与五运六气的关系、五运六气在天干地支中的计算、五运六气在疾病防治中的应用进行简要的论述。
Abstract: The theory of Five Yun Six Qi which is the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine theory is de-voted to studying relationship of celestial movement, climate, ecology and human. Classic books and current papers give too complex explanation of Five Yun Six Qi, so that people cannot understand it. This paper will give concise explanation of the concept of Five Yun Six Qi, the relationship between Five Yun Six Qi and Chinese era, the calculation of Five Yun Six Qi with Chinese era, the application of Five Yun Six Qi to prevent and control of diseases by organic combination of classic books and current papers. 
文章引用:李林福, 张赛男, 胡海波, 吴龙火. 五运六气理论的简释[J]. 国学, 2015, 3(2): 11-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CnC.2015.32003