The University Student Sports Injury Accident Causes and Countermeasures
DOI: 10.12677/APS.2015.32004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,365  浏览: 7,916  科研立项经费支持
作者: 黄 鹿, 杨依坤:赣南师范学院科技学院,江西 赣州
关键词: 高校体育伤害事故成因对策Colleges and Universities Sports Injury Accident Causes Countermeasures
摘要: 本文运用文献资料法等方法,对高校学生体育伤害事故情况进行整理分析,认为事故发生的主要原因有:学生体育知识、意识缺乏;体育设施器材不符合标准;体育教学、活动组织不善;学校体育安全宣传乏力;学校体育安全监控不力。本文从做好源头工作、重视过程监控、依法以情处理三个方面提出相应解决对策。
Abstract: By using the literature material method, university students’ sports injury accident situation is analyzed. The accident occurs because: the students are lack of sports knowledge and consciousness; sports facilities do not meet the standards; physical education teaching and activities organization are poor; school sports safety awareness is weak, and school sports security monitoring is weak. The corresponding solution countermeasures are doing a good job of source, attaching great importance to the process monitoring and handing in accordance with the law.
文章引用:黄鹿, 杨依坤. 高校学生体育伤害事故成因及对策研究[J]. 体育科学进展, 2015, 3(2): 21-26. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/APS.2015.32004


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