The Status of Horses Infected by Common Parasites and the Selection of Insect Repellent in Zhaosu County
DOI: 10.12677/ACRPVM.2015.42003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,384  浏览: 7,030  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 包拉提·吾木尔别克*, 李 海, 瓦热斯·吐尔松*, 巴音查汗*:昭苏县畜牧局,新疆 伊犁;索意利·李吉*, 明·乌尔娜*:新疆农业大学,新疆 乌鲁木齐
关键词: 寄生虫驱虫药物防治Horse Parasites Insect Repellent Prevention and Treatment
摘要: 由于昭苏县马匹常见寄生虫虫种较多、感染强度大且常伴随混合感染,长期普遍流行导致病情呈上升趋势对马匹造成不同程度的危害。常见的马寄生虫包括体内消化道线虫(马副蛔虫、马圆形线虫等)、体外寄生虫(马胃蝇、蜱虫)及血液原虫病(马梨形虫病)。本文通过对以上常见寄生虫的鉴别点、分布流行特性、致病作用、及其针对性驱虫药物进行归纳叙述,为昭苏县马匹常见寄生虫病的正确诊断、疫情动态的及时掌握及综合防治地方马寄生虫病奠定基础。
Abstract: Due to parasites being found most commonly, the much stronger intensity of the infection and often with mixed infection in Zhaosu horses, and long-term popularity causing the disease’s increasing trend, harms of different levels appeared. Common horse parasites include gastrointestinal nematodes in the body (Parascaris equorum, Strongylus), ectoparasites (Gasterophilus, ticks) and blood protozoal disease (Piroplasma). In this paper, we have reviewed the common parasites’ identification points, popular features of distribution, pathogenic role, and its specific insect repellent. This investigation lays the foundation of accurate diagnosis of common parasitic diseases, mastering of epidemic dynamic in time and the prevention and control of parasitic diseases for Zhaosu horses.
文章引用:包拉提·吾木尔别克, 李海, 索意利·李吉, 明·乌尔娜, 瓦热斯·吐尔松, 巴音查汗. 昭苏县马匹常见寄生虫感染现状及其驱虫药物选用[J]. 亚洲兽医病例研究, 2015, 4(2): 14-20. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACRPVM.2015.42003


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