Literature Review on Dynamic Mechanism of the Economic Convergence
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作者: 陈思思:吉林大学东北亚研究院区域经济所,吉林 长春
关键词: 经济收敛动力机制集聚Economic Convergence Dynamic Mechanism Agglomeration
摘要: 经济收敛是当今经济学术界争论的热点,任何经济发展层次结构性凸显的国家或地区都离不开对经济收敛机制的不断探索。地域概况错综复杂的中国,经济收敛机制的充分发挥有利于政府宏观政策上的统筹规划和区域间经济协调快速发展,对国家长期的持续稳定健康发展有着特殊的意义。而从地区间发达程度不均的初始点出发,如何发挥经济集聚的扩散效应以实现技术进步,做到先富带动后富,是经济收敛机制前期的关键。人力资本的累积和国际贸易的自由化程度则是经济收敛机制走向长期均衡的最终因素。
Abstract: Economic convergence is a hot economic debate in the academic community today. The develop-ment of countries and regions with hierarchical structures needs to explore the economic conver-gence mechanism. Facing the complex situation of China, making full use of economic convergence mechanism is beneficial to the government’s macroeconomic policies on the overall planning and the coordination of regional economic. It has a special significance to the sustained and healthy development of nation. From the initial point that regions developed unequally, how to play the diffusion effect of economic agglomeration to realize the technology progress is the key to the be-ginning of economic convergence mechanism. But the liberalization of international trade and the accumulation of human capital are final factors of long-term equilibrium.
文章引用:陈思思. 经济收敛的动力机制文献综述[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2015, 4(1): 19-25. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2015.41004


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