Comparison between Chinese and Korean Reality Variety Shows—To Enhance the Chinese Cultural Soft Power, and Accelerate the Development of Cultural Industry
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2015.41002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 5,405  浏览: 13,143 
作者: 张文佳:广西师范大学文学院,广西 桂林
关键词: 真人秀发展现状文化软实力文化产业发展Reality Show Current Situation of the Development Cultural Soft Power Development of Cultural Industry
摘要: “真人秀”节目的兴起,使得综艺节目开创了一个新的娱乐形式,但在真人秀节目的发展上中韩两国出现两种完全不一样的现状,通过对中韩两国真人秀综艺节目的分析,将文化发展放在全球化的视野下讨论如何加快提升中国自身的文化软实力,加快文化产业的发展,开辟自己的文化市场。
Abstract: Currently, the programs of reality show are rising. It has created a new form of entertainment. But the reality shows in China and South Korea are different. Through the analysis of the Chinese and South Korean reality shows in the global view, we discussed how to speed up the upgrading of Chinese cultural soft power, accelerate the development of cultural industries and open up the cultural market.
文章引用:张文佳. 中韩真人秀综艺节目比较—提升中国文化软实力,加快文化产业发展[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2015, 4(1): 7-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2015.41002