Evolutionary Path and Motivation of the Creation Ability of Corporate Patent Based on the Level
DOI: 10.12677/MSE.2014.34020, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,529  浏览: 7,728 
作者: 袁 林, 齐 凯:电子科技大学经济与管理学院,成都
关键词: 企业专利创造能力演化路径层次性The Ability of Corporate Patent Creation Evolutionary Path Level
摘要: 企业专利创造能力是企业在创造性开发受法律保护的专利等智力活动中所形成的能力,该能力的培养与形成需要组织内部各个层面的相互依赖和支持。本文基于系统思想和演化理论,通过对个体层面、团队层面和组织层面进行分析,探索企业专利创造能力的演化路径,并探索推动企业专利创造能力在不同层次间形成的内在动力。
Abstract: The creation ability of corporate patent is a kind of ability which is formed through intellectual and creative activities developing a series of legally protected patents. Training and forming the abil-ity need support and dependence of all levels from the internal organization. This paper based on the system of thought and evolution theory, through analyzing the individual level, team level and organizational level, explores the evolution path of creative ability of corporate patent, and explores intrinsic motivation among the three levels about the creation ability of corporate patent.
文章引用:袁林, 齐凯. 基于层次性的企业专利创造能力演化路径及其动力研究[J]. 管理科学与工程, 2014, 3(4): 156-162. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MSE.2014.34020


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