The Effect of Emotion and Regulated Strategies of Emotion on Feeling-of-Knowing
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.47124, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,212  浏览: 6,927  国家科技经费支持
作者: 王 勋, 田婷婷, 张振新:浙江师范大学教师教育学院,金华
关键词: 元认知知晓感情绪情绪调节Metacognition Feeling-of-Knowing (FOK) Emotion Emotion Regulated
摘要: 本研究通过两个实验来研究情绪和情绪调节策略对知晓感判断的影响。在实验一中,通过让被试观看影片片段,激发相应的情绪状态,然后对不同情绪的词对做知晓感判断;在实验二中,通过观看影片诱发被试的负性情绪,然后采用不同情绪调节策略对被试的情绪状态进行调节并对不同情绪词对做知晓感判断。结果表明:1) 情绪状态和词对的情绪性质对FOK的判断等级和准确性存在影响,表现为在中性状态下,中性词对的判断等级和准确性均高于情绪词对;2) 情绪调节策略对FOK的判断等级产生影响,评价忽视策略和表情宣泄策略条件下被试的FOK判断值显著高于评价重视和表达抑制;3) 情绪调节策略对FOK判断准确性也存在影响,评价重视和评价忽视两种调节策略下被试的FOK判断准确性显著高于表情宣泄和表情抑制策略。
Abstract: The study is aimed at revealing the relationship among emotion nature, emotion regulated strategies and FOK, including two experiment designs. Experiment 1 took the 3 × 3 mixed design, investigating the emotional state of participants and the emotional nature of items made on FOK and the accuracy of FOK. Experiment 2 is a single factor design among subjects, inducing the participants’ negative emotion in order to study the effect of the different emotion regulated strategies (reappraisal; rumination; expressive suppression; suppressive revealing) made on FOK and the accuracy of FOK in the negative emotional condition. The study results show that: 1) For FOK value, the main effect on individuals’ emotion state and metarial emotion nature is significant; Meanwhile for relative accuracy, Gamma, is higher in neutral emotional state; as for the metarial emotion nature, the Gamma of positive words is higher than negative words and neutral words. 2) For FOK value, the level of reappraisal’s group and suppressive revealing group are significantly higher than the group of rumination and expressive suppression. 3) For relative accuracy of FOK, the Gamma is significantly higher in the group of reappraisal and rumination.
文章引用:王勋, 田婷婷, 张振新 (2014). 情绪与情绪调节策略对知晓感(Feeling-of-Knowing)判断的影响. 心理学进展, 4(7), 963-974. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.47124


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