Drug Addicts’ Decision Making Deficits: Behavioral Performance, Underlying Reasons and Interventions
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.46110, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,764  浏览: 11,935 
作者: 刘 洋, 宋洪文, 寇 娟, 邹枝玲:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 物质滥用决策障碍原因探究干预方法Drug Addiction Decision Making Deficits Underlying Reasons Intervention Methods
摘要: 物质成瘾在我国已经成为一个严峻的社会问题。在一定程度上成瘾被归结为决策障碍(decision deficits)。具体表现为成瘾者以长期的身体、心理和社会功能损失为代价去寻求即时享乐;不能根据之前决策的结果灵活调整策略等。本文总结了国内外有关成瘾者决策缺陷的研究。主要包括物质成瘾者决策障碍的一般表现,原因探究和相关的干预方法。对于我们深入了解成瘾者决策障碍提供了理论和实践指导。
Abstract: Drug addiction has become an urgent issue in our society. To some extent, the emergency of addic-tion is attributed to an individual’s decision making deficits. Specifically speaking, the drug abusers would prefer to choose the option that brings immediate profit at the expense of long-term lose in terms of physical, psychological and social functions. Besides, they could not learn from their former choice and insisted on the sub-optimal decisions. Through reviewing relative articles, we summa-rized the drug addicts’ decision making performance, the underlying reasons, and then provided some interventions, which could shed light on the research of addiction theoretically and practically.
文章引用:刘洋, 宋洪文, 寇娟, 邹枝玲 (2014). 物质成瘾者决策障碍:行为表现、原因探究及其干预. 心理学进展, 4(6), 849-856. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.46110


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