The Relationship between College Students’Procrastination and Future Time Perspective
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.46099, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,599  浏览: 14,530 
作者: 胡 汀:西南大学心理学部,重庆
关键词: 拖延行为未来时间洞察力大学生关系研究Procrastination Future Time Perspective College Students Relationship Research
摘要: 研究对大学生唤起性和回避性两类拖延行为、未来时间洞察力的状况进行了调查,并探讨了它们之间的关系,旨在丰富大学生拖延与未来时间洞察力的研究内容,为广大高校心理工作者提供理论与数据支持。研究采用分层整群抽样的方法选取607名在校大学生为被试,考察了大学生唤起性和回避性两种拖延以及未来时间洞察力的状况和特点以及它们之间的关系。主要研究结果如下:1) 总体来说,大学生拖延程度不高,但仍有部分学生有拖延行为的存在;大学生未来时间洞察力高于平均水平;2) 大学生唤起性拖延存在显著的性别和生源地差异;回避性拖延在性别、学校类型、专业和生源地上皆差异显著;未来时间洞察力在性别和学校类型上差异显著;3) 未来时间洞察力总分及各维度与唤起性、回避性两类拖延行为之间都存在显著负相关。
Abstract: This study investigated college students’ procrastination of arousal and avoidance and future time perspective and explored the relationship between them, aimed at enriching the research contents of college students’ procrastination and future time perspective to provide theory and data support for the broad psychologists in colleges and universities. The study adopted stratified cluster sam-pling method selecting 607 college students as subjects, and investigated status and characteristics of college students’ procrastination of arousal and avoidance and future time perspective and the relationship between them. The main findings are as follows: 1) in general, the degree of procras-tination is not high, but it still exists among some students; the level of future time perspective of college students is higher than that of average; 2) students’ procrastination of arousal is different in genders and places students come from; procrastination of avoidance is different in genders, types of school, specialities and places students come from; future time perspective is different in genders and types of school; 3) there is significant negative correlation between total score and dimensions of future time perspective and procrastination of arousal and avoidance.
文章引用:胡汀 (2014). 大学生拖延行为与未来时间洞察力的关系. 心理学进展, 4(6), 748-758. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.46099


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