The Neurophysiological Mechanism of Racial Prejudice
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.46095, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,895  浏览: 10,091  国家科技经费支持
作者: 富云露, 胡金生, 王 鸽:辽宁师范大学,大连
关键词: 种族偏见神经生理机制早期认知加工Racial Prejudice Neurophysiological Mechanism Early Stages of Cognitive Processing
摘要: 早期种族偏见的ERP研究多集中在相对较晚的加工阶段,近来研究者越来越关注种族偏见相关的早期的认知加工,研究中涉及到了P100、N170、P200、SPCN等ERP指标。种族偏见相关的fMRI研究,主要涉及到了其神经机制和面孔加工、评价等过程之间的关系。种族偏见的认知加工过程并不是固定不变的,而是会受到心理因素、个体经历、群际关系、社会环境等因素的调节。未来可以结合迭代再加工模型,以杏仁核、前颞叶等重要脑区的研究为基础,深入考察种族偏见的形成和消退机制以及动机对种族偏见的调节机制。
Abstract: Early ERP researches on racial prejudice concerned later components of processing, while more attention is paid on early stages of cognitive processing (P100, N170, P200, SPCN) recently. Race-related fMRI researches mainly examine how racial bias is related to processes such as face processing, evaluation and so on. The neural processing of racial bias, which is not unalterable, is also under the influence of psychological factors, individual experience, intergroup relationship and social environment. In future, combining with iterative reprocessing model, based on neurophysiological researches on amygdala and anterior temporal lobe activity, the formation and degradation mechanism of racial prejudice and the regulatory mechanism of motivation to racial prejudice will be investigated in depth.
文章引用:富云露, 胡金生, 王鸽 (2014). 种族偏见的神经生理机制. 心理学进展, 4(6), 715-722. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.46095


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