The Simulation and Safety Analysis of CNP 600 Primary Loop under Different Broken Areas of Cold Leg
DOI: 10.12677/NST.2014.24011, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 2,866  浏览: 9,575 
作者: 侯修群, 谢诞梅, 张 鹏, 王 聪:武汉大学动力与机械学院,武汉,中国
关键词: CNP600RELAP5破口大小系统安全CNP600 RELAP5 Broken Area Size System Safety
摘要: 破口事故是一回路严重事故,为了分析不同破口面积下一回路系统主要参数变化,本文用RELAP5建立了以秦山二期为对象的CNP600的一回路模型,设置了从小破口到大破口的七种不同面积的破口事故,并逐一进行仿真分析。仿真结果表明,在安注系统的作用下,事故对一回路安全的影响有所缓解,而某些大破口的面积对系统安全危害较大。
Abstract: LOCAs are severe accidents of primary loop. In order to analyse the variation of system’s main pa-rameters between several different broken areas when there is LOCA, this paper established the model of CNP600 in RELAP5 according to Qin Shan II NPP, and set up seven broken areas from small LOCA to large LOCA to calculate. The results show that under the action of safety injection system, the impact of the accident has weakened. However, the results also indicate that some of the large broken areas are of great harm to the system.
文章引用:侯修群, 谢诞梅, 张鹏, 王聪. CNP600冷管段不同破口面积对一回路安全影响的仿真分析[J]. 核科学与技术, 2014, 2(4): 67-77.


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