On the Formation of Social Rationality
DOI: 10.12677/MA.2014.23003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,274  浏览: 11,258 
作者: 韦 鸿:长江大学,经济学院,荆州
关键词: 理性社会理性集体最大化路径 Ration Social Rationality Collective Maximum Path
摘要: 按经济学理论,不同的经济主体的理性不应该有差别,但现实经济活动中,经济主体之间表现出的理性差异很大。为了解释该问题,对理性分类定义,并提出社会理性的概念——即沿着集体最大化路径追求个体利益最大化的行为。集体最大化路径既不同于帕累托路径,也不同于希克斯路径,是个体在最大化利益时至少使得集体中的其他一个个体利益增加,而不使任何人利益受损的路径。不同经济主体之间的理性差异主要是社会理性的差异。社会理性不是天生的,是后天形成的,社会理性是市场经济良好运行的必要条件。
Abstract: According to economic theory, the rationality of different economic subjects should not be different. But in real economic activities, the difference between economic subjects’ rationality is great. In order to solve the problem, we definite the rationality according to classification and propose the social rationality concept, namely pursuing the maximization of individual interests along the collective maximization path. Collective maximum path is different from either Pareto path or Hicks path. It is a path that when individual maximizes their benefits, the interests of one of the collective increase without damaging anyone interests at least. The differences among rationality of economic subjects are mainly differences of social rationality. Social rationality is not innate but formed later, and it is the essential condition for good operation of market economy.
文章引用:韦鸿. 论社会理性及其形成[J]. 现代人类学, 2014, 2(3): 21-27. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MA.2014.23003


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