Progress in Study on the Foundation of the Neuro-Biology and the Molecule-Mechanisms for Drug Craving
DOI: 10.12677/PI.2014.33009, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,012  浏览: 10,189 
作者: 潘乐鸯:内蒙古医科大学药学院,呼和浩特
关键词: 药物渴求神经药理分子机制个体因素Drug Craving Neuropharmacology Molecular Mechanisms Individual Factor
摘要: 近年来,药物渴求引起科研学者的广泛关注,对于药物渴求行为的机制研究不断推进并在实验的基础上取得了一些新知识的获得。本文综述了近年来由科研实验证实的参与药物渴求的神经生理学基础、分子和细胞机制等方面的研究进展以及药物滥用者所处的环境对药物渴求的影响。了解药物渴求的神经生理基础及分子水平的生物学程序有助于阐述人类对成瘾性药物的复吸及依赖行为,以期为控制精神类药物滥用提供参考。
Abstract: Drug craving is widely investigated in recent years, the studies on the mechanisms of drug craving have always been advancing and we have got lots of knowledge about it based on the laboratory animal-experiment. In this review, we discuss recent results that have identified for the foundation of the neuro-biology and the molecule-mechanisms for drug craving: the main brain regions involved in the incubation of drug craving, and the evidence for the underlying cellular mechanisms as well as the influence of the exposure to environmental enrichment (EE) during withdrawal periods for individuals. Understanding the neurobiology of the incubation of drug craving is likely to have significant implications for furthering understanding of relapse or addicts in human, this will be beneficial for the control of drug abuse.
文章引用:潘乐鸯. 药物渴求的神经生物学基础及分子机制研究进展[J]. 药物资讯, 2014, 3(3): 38-41. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/PI.2014.33009


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