A Comparative Study of Hedges in Academic Paper Abstracts—Based on Natural and Social Science Academic Paper Abstracts
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2014.23015, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,599  浏览: 17,510  科研立项经费支持
作者: 赵歆怡, 孙飞凤:华侨大学外国语学院,泉州
关键词: 学术论文摘要模糊限制语对比研究Academic Paper Abstract Hedges Comparison Study
摘要: 本文选取发表于2012~2013年工科与社科类各50篇中文学术论文摘要为分析对象,对比研究两类摘要写作中模糊限制语的种类、使用频率及语用功能并阐释其规律及原因。研究表明:两类摘要均含大量模糊限制语,且以变动型为主。无论是程度类或者是范围类模糊限制语,在工科类摘要中的使用频率均略低于社科类。工科类学术论文摘要中,模糊限制语多用于缓和语气,在社科类中则相反,但这些词汇本身所具有的模糊意义在两类摘要中是大体相同的。此外,模糊限制语使学术论文摘要更加规范、严谨、准确,一定程度上体现了合作原则和礼貌原则,同时也体现了论文作者的自我保护意识。
Abstract: Selecting 100 abstracts from Chinese academic papers on natural science and social science (re-spectively 50) as analytic targets, this paper attempts to make a comparison on the classification, frequency, and pragmatic functions of the hedges in these two kinds of abstracts, and elucidates their rules and reasons. The findings show that there exist a large number of hedges in these two kinds of abstracts, chiefly presented as approximators. Among them, the frequency of adaptors and rounders in natural science academic paper abstracts is slightly lower than those in social science academic paper abstracts. Hedges are more often used to mitigate the tone in natural science paper abstracts, and it is opposite in social science, but the vague meanings of these words themselves are generally the same in these two kinds of abstracts. In addition, they make the academic paper abstracts more standard, rigorous, and precise, and to some extent, reflecting the author’s awareness of self-protection while abiding by Cooperative Principles and Politeness Principles.
文章引用:赵歆怡, 孙飞凤. 学术论文摘要模糊限制语对比研究——以工科与社科中文期刊文献为例[J]. 现代语言学, 2014, 2(3): 131-139. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2014.23015


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