Behavioral Reasoning Theory: A New Perspective of Understanding the Causes of Behavior
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.43062, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 4,558  浏览: 18,498 
作者: 庄晓萍, 刘聪慧:苏州大学教育学院,苏州;袁昌兵, 魏秋江:苏州大学文正学院,苏州
关键词: 推理行为理性行为理论计划行为理论Reason Behavior Theory of Reasoned Action Theory of Planned Behavior
摘要: 理解行为成因始终是心理学家不遗余力追求的目标,为此学者提出了很多模型来预测行为。近期,行为推理理论的提出进一步提高了人们对行为的预测力。与过去行为理论不同,该理论强调推理的作用,将其视为人类信念、整体动机、意向和行为之间的重要连接。社会和组织领域的大量研究很好的验证了该理论对行为的解释力和预测力。文章在概述该理论核心内容的基础上,从理论建设、研究方法的完善和跨文化等视角,分析了现有研究中主要的缺陷,并建议在模型中加入额外变量使研究方法更加标准化,理论的跨文化研究等方面指出了未来研究方向
Abstract: Psychologists always spare no effort to pursue the cause of the behavior, so many scholars have proposed lots of models to predict the behavior. Recently, Behavioral Reasoning Theory (BRT) further improves our ability of predicting behaviors. This theory, which is different from previous theory, highlights the roles of reason, serving as the important linkages between beliefs, global motives, intentions, and behaviors. Many studies about society and organization verify the explanatory and predictive power of BRT. After summarizing core contents, this article, in the perspectives of the theory construction, the improvement of research methods and cross-culture researches, analyzes the main defects existing in now researches, and points out the future orientation including adding additional variables in this model, standardizing research methods and implementing cross-cultural study.
文章引用:庄晓萍, 袁昌兵, 魏秋江, 刘聪慧 (2014). 行为推理理论:理解行为成因的新视角. 心理学进展, 4(3), 447-456. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.43062


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