The Concept Analysis of Dignity Regarding of Elderly in Long-Term Care Institutions
DOI: 10.12677/ar.2014.11003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,909  浏览: 12,475 
作者: 陈淑梅:阮综合医院护理部,高雄;董道兴:振兴医院教学研究部,台北;天主教辅仁大学公共卫生学系,新北市
关键词: 机构老人尊严概念分析Long-Term Care Institution of Elderly; Dignity; Concept Analysis
摘要: 尊严是人们与生俱来的需求它无等级之分。在历史的演进过程中人们对尊严的概念一直在转变虽然国内外有许多与尊严相关的文献但未对此概念进一步分析整理。本文藉由文献厘清尊严概念定义及特征,以机构老人为例,建立典型、边缘及相反案例说明,并运用实证参考数据与护理照护。结果发现,尊严是因人而异的主观感,会受到个人身体状况、所处环境,以及照护者影响。希望藉由本文的经验分享,能增进机构照护的医疗人员,对尊严概念的了解,即早发现住民的问题,适时提供医疗措施,使其保有人性的尊严,获得好的生活质量。
Abstract: Dignity is human natural requirement, which has no rank discrimination. The concept of dignity to humans always keeps changing in the process of historical evolution. Although there are many domestic and foreign literatures regarding dignity, none tries to further analyze and sort out this concept. This article clarifies the conceptual definition and characteristics of dignity by way of adopting domestic and foreign literatures, and takes the institution of elderly people for example, establishing typical model, borderline and opposite case explanations, applying empirical references and medical care. The result shows that dignity is the subjective sense varying from person to person, which will be influenced by personal physical condition, their environment and caregivers. We hope it can enhance medical staffs of long-term care institution to understand more about the concept of dignity through this experience of sharing, find out the problem of the residents as early as possible and provide medical precautions in good time so that the residents retain the human dignity and get access to good quality of life.
文章引用:陈淑梅, 董道兴. 机构老人之尊严概念分析[J]. 老龄化研究, 2014, 1(1): 16-22.


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