The Review of Acceptance, Cognitive Reappraisal, Expression Suppression in Emotion Regulation Strategies
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.41015, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 5,457  浏览: 14,327 
作者: 杨 琳, 李梦婷:浙江师范大学教师教育学院,金华
关键词: 接纳认知重评表达抑制情绪调节策略Acceptance; Cognitive Reappraisal; Expression Suppression; Emotion Regulation Strategies
摘要: 情绪调节策略——认知重评、表达抑制近年来获得许多研究者的关注。随着接纳与承诺疗法的兴起,近几年接纳被视为一种情绪调节策略已得到许多研究者的认可。许多研究证实接纳、认知重评、表达抑制三种情绪调节策略对个体的情绪情感、认知、社会行为具有不同的影响,进一步认识不同情绪调节策略与情绪情感、认知、社会行为的关系、形成有效的情绪调节策略、提高教学和学习效率、促进个体的健康发展具有重要意义。本文对情绪调节的定义、情绪调节策略和接纳、认知重评、表达抑制三种情绪调节策略的实证研究进行了述评,并提出了展望,希望能为将来的研究提供一定的借鉴指导意义。
Abstract:  Nowadays many researchers paid more attentions to cognitive reappraisal, expression suppression in emotion regulation strategies. With the rise of acceptance and commitment therapy, acceptance has been accepted as an emotion regulation strategy by many researchers. Many studies have confirmed that acceptance, cognitive reappraisal and expression suppression have different effects on emotion, cognition, social behavior of individuals. To form effective emotion regulation strategies to improve teaching and learning efficiency, it is important to further understand how different emotion regulation strategies affect emotion, cognition and social behavior. In this paper, we comment the definition of emotion regulation, emotional regulation strategies, empirical research about acceptance, cognitive reappraisal and expression suppression, and finally we made a prospect, hoping that it can provide a guidance for future research.
文章引用:杨琳, 李梦婷 (2014). 接纳、认知重评、表达抑制三种情绪调节策略的研究述评. 心理学进展, 4(1), 80-88. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.41015


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