Denosumab, a RANKL Inhibitor, Induced Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
DOI: 10.12677/HJS.2013.31001, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,960  浏览: 15,678  科研立项经费支持
作者: 胡龙威:上海交通大学医学院,口腔医学院,上海;徐立群:上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院口腔颌面外科,上海
关键词: 地诺塞麦双磷酸盐颌骨坏死Denosumab; Bisphosphonates; Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
摘要: 引起药物性颌骨坏死的主要两大类药物包括双磷酸盐及RANKL抑制剂。RANKL抑制剂地诺塞麦是一种完全人化单克隆抗体,临床上主要用于预防实体肿瘤发生骨转移患者骨相关事件的发生以及用于增加骨质疏松患者的骨密度。本文就地诺塞麦的作用机制、临床应用、副作用,与双磷酸盐比较及所致的颌骨坏死做一综述。
Abstract: The two main kinds of drugs that induced osteonecrosis of the jaw are bisphosphonates and anti-RANKL. Anti-RANKL is a fully human monoclonal antibody. It is effective to prevent skeletal-related complications in cancer patients with bone metastasis and to increase bone mineral density in patients with osteoporosis. This article summa- rizes the mechanism of action, clinical use, adverse effects of denosumab and its comparison with bisphosphonates as well as osteonecrosis of the jaw induced by it.
文章引用:胡龙威, 徐立群. RANKL抑制剂地诺塞麦所致颌骨坏死[J]. 外科, 2014, 3(1): 1-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJS.2013.31001


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