基于Real BCH码的联合信源信道编码技术
The Joint Source Channel Coding Technology Based on Real BCH Code
DOI: 10.12677/HJWC.2013.36021, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,130  浏览: 9,155  科研立项经费支持
作者: 高荣蔓, 黄晓红:河北联合大学信息系,唐山
关键词: Real BCH编码联合信源信道编码(JSCC)小波变换子带纠错Real BCH Coding; Joint Source-Channel Coding (JSCC); Wavelet Transform; Sub Band; Error Correcting
摘要: 构建了基于Real BCH的联合信源信道编码系统,考虑量化噪声和信道噪声,将由量化、给定转移概率的二进制对称信道、反量化构成的实际联合信道建模为GBG (Gaussian background noise and Bernoulli Gaussian impulse noise)信道模型。图像经过小波子带分解后在基于Real BCH的联合信源信道编码系统中进行传输。Matlab仿真比较了信道在不同的转移概率状况下图像的传输效果。当信道的转移概率为103时,峰值信噪比PSNR达到39.5225 dB。仿真结果表明,基于Real BCH码的联合信源信道编码具有较好的图像传输效果,Real BCH编码具有较好的纠错性能。
Abstract: Joint source-channel coding system based on Real BCH is constructed in this paper. Considering the quantization and channel noise, the real physical channel (quantization, inverse quantization, and binary system channel) is modeled as Gaussian-Bernoulli-Gaussian (GBG) channel model. Image is transmitted in the joint source channel coding system based on Real BCH after wavelet decomposition. Image transmission effect is compared though Matlab simulation. PSNR is 39.5225 dB when the channel transmission probability is 10−3. Simulation results show that Real BCH code has better error correcting performance and joint source channel coding system based on Real BCH has better image transmission effect.
文章引用:高荣蔓, 黄晓红. 基于Real BCH码的联合信源信道编码技术[J]. 无线通信, 2013, 3(6): 134-138. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJWC.2013.36021


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