What Influence the Aesthetic Preference on Left/Right?——Literature Review on Aesthetic Preference on Left/Right and Suggestions for Application
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2013.34007, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,477  浏览: 14,093  科研立项经费支持
作者: 肖箬薇, 叶巍岭:上海财经大学国际工商管理学院
关键词: 审美偏好半脑专门化阅读习惯 Aesthetic Preference; Hemispheric Specialization; Reading Habit
摘要: 关于审美的左右偏好,神经心理学和营销学的研究发现,人们在对图像做出审美判断时,除了画面本身的内容外,半脑专门化和阅读习惯也会影响人们的审美偏好。半专门化原理是左右脑有差异的分工处理信息,左脑擅长加工处理文字、逻辑信息,右脑更擅长处理图片、视觉空间信息,所以,人们会觉得图片放置在左边、文字放置在右边更加容易处理。半脑专门化还影响了人们对图片重心的偏好,在浏览不对称图片时,由于左右手使用习惯(即右撇子、左撇子)的不同会造成左右半脑的发达程度不同,从而导致对图片的处理能力不同,所以对于右撇子而言,重心在右边的图片看上去会更美一些,而对于左撇子,重心在左或右对其审美偏好并无影响。此外,阅读习惯从左向右的人具有右向偏好,他们更喜欢画面内容指向右方的图片;阅读习惯从右向左的人具有左向偏好,他们更喜欢画面内容指向左方的图片[1]。因此,在画面设计时,需要从图片与文字位置、图片重心和图片内容指向三个方面来考虑 According to neuropsychology and marketing study findings, when people appreciate images and make aesthetic judgments, aesthetic preference is determined by hemispheric specialization and reading habit, in addition to the effects of the picture itself on aesthetic preference. Hemispheric specialization means the left brain and right brain have different information processing procedure. The left hemisphere is more suitable for text information processing, while the right hemisphere is more suitable for image information processing. That means we would prefer the position of the picture on the left and text information on the right as we scan advertises. Also, hemispheric specialization influences the preference of picture center. As we scan asymmetric pictures, right-handers prefer those with the more important content, or the greater heaviness on the right and this slide asymmetry are high correlated with dextral, but not sinistral preferences. Results are interpreted as reflecting a left field perceptual bias induced by selective right hemisphere activation in right- handers. Otherwise, reading habits influence aesthetic preference. Chokrona (2000) found a significant effect of reading habits on aesthetic preference, with left-to-right readers showing a preference for stimuli with a rightward directionality while right-to-left readers preferred stimuli with a leftward directionality[1]. Therefore, designing print ads are proposed from the position of images and text information, the center of pictures and the left/right directionality of stimuli to make the ads more charming.
文章引用:肖箬薇, 叶巍岭. 左边还是右边,看起来更美?——关于左右位置对审美影响的文献综述及应用建议[J]. 现代市场营销, 2013, 3(4): 39-45. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2013.34007


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